Sunday, November 29, 2015

Jenna's Weather in Cairo, Egypt

Graph of Temperature I used a double bar graph. I used a double bar graph because it is a easy graph to use for the kind of information...
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Weather in Cairo, Egypt  By: Jenna Fish Weather in Cairo, Egypt  By: Jenna Fish
Weather Data gathered from Weather Underground Weather Data gathered from Weather Underground Weather Data gathered from Weather Underground Weather Data gathered from Weather Underground
Dry, hot, sunny day in Cairo  Sandstorm in Cairo  Nile River  The people in Cairo rely on the Nile... Dry, hot, sunny day in Cairo Sandstorm in Cairo Nile River
Graph of Temperature  I used a double bar graph. I used a double bar graph because it is a easy graph... Graph of Temperature
Graph of precipitation  I used a line graph. The reason I use a line graph was because it made it... Graph of precipitation
Graph of wind speed  I used a pie graph. I used a pie graph because there wasn't much change in the... Graph of wind speed
Climate of Cairo, Egypt  After looking at the data I collected about Cairo, Egypt, I concluded that... Climate of Cairo, Egypt
Best Time To Visit or Travel to Cairo, Egypt Best Time To Visit or Travel to Cairo, Egypt

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